About Us
Rockwood 2000 was established in 1990 and is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of Tennessee.
Rockwood 2000’s goals, as stated in our Charter, are to give back to the City of Rockwood and the surrounding Rockwood community in three areas:
- Education
- Historic Preservation
- Beautification
Rockwood 2000 relies on financial support from various sources including, but not limited to corporations, individuals, grants, and fund raising efforts to support our goals.
Members work together and partner with other groups on a variety of events and programs to support our mission. In 2010, Rockwood 2000 donated 2,603 volunteer hours to the Rockwood community, which is the equivalent of more than one extra city employee.
We welcome anyone who wishes to help make Rockwood a better place. If you are interested in being part of our organization, please plan to attend one of our meetings. Rockwood 2000 volunteers provide a great service to our community; we value their time and support.

Date: Second Tuesday of Each Month
Time: 6:30 PM
Wassom Building
(Former Patrol Station)
Corner of Nelson & Gateway Ave.
Current Officers
President: Sandy McIntosh
Vice-President: Janice Morgan
Treasurer: Phyllis Woodall
Secretary: Pat Hall
Thank you to Bryan Wilkerson for designing our beautiful logo.